Meet Our Newest Board Members

Meet Our Newest Board Members

At the Urban League of London’s AGM in June the membership voted in the 2021-22 slate of Board members including four new directors : Jon Bradford, Jenna Goodhand, Jane Hanbuch and Maryam Yaro-Wright.

Jon Bradford

Jon embarks on a new career in August 2021 as a class actions lawyer at a London firm. In addition to law, his studies included Canadian politics and urban governance and he previously worked at the City of London in the Neighbourhood Development department. At the city Jon undertook public engagement for the London Strengthening Neighbourhood Strategy, planned events, provided support for neighbourhood associations, and audited parks across the city, all of which provided him a deep knowledge of its neighbourhoods and opportunities to support those less engaged.

Jenna Goodhand

Jenna’s past and ongoing education together with professional experience inform her work helping local businesses and community leaders to address their challenges and grow their passions. As a workshop facilitator and trainer, she is engaged with numerous community groups. Founder and Director of The Hive London, a community coworking space, Jenna is also the Executive Director Cafézia Coffee and Speaker Comfort and Confidence.

Jane Hanbuch

As an educator in London for 30 years, Jane has worked in many different neighbourhoods including underserved communities. Previously she represented the League as the City re-defined Terms of Reference for the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee and she currently is a member of the Childcare Advisory Committee and an educational advisor for a children’s mental health organization. Jane’s leadership benefits many of London’s arts and cultural groups and she is actively involved with the London Urban Beekeepers Collective.

Maryam Yaro-Wright

Maryam is an urban planner with a background in community development and sustainability who is passionate about community building and the tools, processes and systems that govern and create city spaces, places and community. Prior to choosing London as her family’s new home she worked as the Lands Administrator in Baker Lake, Nunavut. Maryam is the owner/operator of Yaya’s Kitchen in Old East Village which hosts monthly curated culinary events featuring the foods of the Global Black experience and she is a member of theblacklondonproject©.